A Comparative Study of the Effects of amino glycoside and ß- Lactam Antibiotics on Callus and Shoot Induction using Explants Infected with Agro bacterium
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Published: 14 April 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation offers great opportunities to induce desired characteristics in various plants for breeding purposes. But, this technique remains aloof for soybean improvement due to setbacks caused by inefficient regeneration systems. The dual effect of antibiotics (aminoglycoside and ßlactam antibiotics) and Agrobacterium on callus initiation and shoot induction using cotyledonary node explants were investigated. Seeds of soybean cultivar LS677 and LS678 were used in this study. The seeds were disinfected using chlorine gas and germinated on MS mediumcontaining1.78 µM 6-benzyladenine (6- BA) to develop seedlings used as source of double cotyledonary-node explants. The prepared explants were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium, and then evaluated for callus and multiple shoot induction on MS media supplemented with the different types and concentrations of antibiotics. According to the study, explants sub cultured on MS medium containing aminoglycosides induced a high number of shoots than ßlactamantibiotics which were effective for callus induction. This study suggests that aminoglycoside antibiotics inhibited callogene sis, mean while, ß-lactams exerted negative pressure on shoot proliferation required for efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.
Keywords: Agrobacterium; aminoglycoside antibiotics; cotyledonary explants; callus induction; Glycine max; shoot induction; ß-lactam antibiotics.

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How to Cite
Phetole, Mangena, Martha Chabalala and Andries Thangwana. (2019-04-14). "A Comparative Study of the Effects of amino glycoside and ß- Lactam Antibiotics on Callus and Shoot Induction using Explants Infected with Agro bacterium." *Volume 3*, 2, 1-7